What Do IPX Ratings Mean?

Bryn De Kocks | October 4, 2024

IPX ratings are a way to inform customers of how robust a product’s water resistance is. It is often seen on tech products like Bluetooth speakers, earbuds, and cellphones. Understanding the meaning of your product’s IPX rating is essential, as it ensures you don’t damage it during use and know how far you can push it. Here’s everything you need to know about IPX ratings.

IPX vs IP Ratings

Seeing some products with an IP** rating and others with an IPX* rating may be confusing at first, but it doesn’t have to be. The only difference between an IPX rating and an IP rating is that an IP rating (such as IP65) indicates the speaker is protected from dust/solids and water, while an IPX rating (such as IPX5) means the product is only protected from water damage.

Simply put, if the rating starts with IPX, it is only protected from water. Seeing an IP prefix with two digits indicates it is dust-resistant and water-resistant, the degree to which will vary depending on the numbers listed. The first number represents the level of dust protection while the second number relates to its water resistance.

What IP and IPX Numbers Mean

Here’s a breakdown of exactly what the numbers of an IP or IPX rating mean. We’ve also included an infographic that you can save and easily reference the next time you need a reminder.

Solids + Water Resistance

This type of rating specifies how protected a product is from solids, including dust. The * relates to the waterproofing.

IP1* – Protected against solid objects down to 50mm.

IP2* – Protected against solid objects down to 12mm.

IP3* – Protected against solid objects down to 2.5mm.

IP4* – Protected against solid objects down to 1mm.

IP5* – Protected against dust with limited ingress (no harmful deposits).

IP6* – Completely protected from dust.

Water Resistance

This type of rating specifies how protected a product is from water only, and doesn’t have any protection against solids.

IPX1 – Protected from vertically falling drops of water (light drizzle).

IPX2 – Protected from sprays of water up to 15 degrees from vertical (drizzle).

IPX3 – Protected from sprays of water up to 60 degrees from vertical (including rain).

IPX4 – Protected from sprayed water from any direction, including heavy rain.

IPX5 – Protected against low-pressure sprays from all directions.

IPX6 – Protected against high-pressure sprays from all directions.

IPX7 – Protected from submergence in water up to 1 meter for up to 30 minutes.

IPX8 – Protected from submergence in water more than 1 meter for varying lengths of time (defined by the manufacturer).

What Do IPX Ratings Mean? 1

Who Determines The Rating?

IPX ratings are an international standard (IEC 60529), but there isn’t a mandatory inspection process and manufacturers can list their own IPX ratings. Typically this is done through extensive testing in controlled environments by these manufacturers, but can also be outsourced to labs that have created their standardized procedures. These independent testing companies can help establish more trust in the brand by consumers, showing that the products are as durable as they claim.

The Difference Between Waterproof and Water-Resistant

While waterproofing is a term frequently used to describe products with water resistance, there is actually a difference between these two terms and believe it or not, most speakers and cellphones aren’t waterproof, they’re just water resistant.

Waterproofing falls outside of the IPX rating system, which is used to denote water resistance. Waterproof products, on the other hand, are impervious to water, and very few items that claim to be waterproof truly are. An example of a waterproof product would be an underwater camera protection kit for diving, which offers complete protection against the intrusion of water.

Salt Water vs Fresh Water

IPX ratings are only valid for exposure to fresh water and don’t mean that all liquids are protected against. Salt water, for example, is corrosive, and while a speaker may be well-sealed, salt water can still do damage that fresh water wouldn’t. Similarly, while IPX4 and higher can typically protect one from spilled drinks, this isn’t protected to the same degree and the sticky residue can cause additional problems with the device. Always avoid salt water unless the speaker (or other product) explicitly states that it is protected from it.

The Trend of IPX Ratings & Looking Forward

With the rapid advancements in technology, IPX ratings have become more and more prevalent over the last two decades. For example, cellphones released in the early and mid-2000s rarely had waterproofing and it was only around 2010 when we started to see it be adopted. Since then, phones have become very robust in their protection and for the most part lead electronics in their durability and protection against water. Today cellphones frequently come with IPX8 or IP68 protection, making them extremely robust.

Similarly, while speakers have lagged behind phones, they are also more frequently than ever before being released with comprehensive waterproofing. Outdoor Bluetooth speakers often have IPX7 or IP67 protection, though larger speakers intended for indoor use are more moderate in their protection levels, frequently coming equipped with IPX4 protection. This is a rapid adoption of water resistance, and even five years ago an IPX7 rating was rare to find on Bluetooth speakers.

Looking forward, we expect speakers to adopt an IPX8 in the coming years, but there isn’t much room left to expand the protection of products. This is especially true because of how IPX8 works. Unlike other IPX ratings, which have defined limits, an IPX8 rating is set by the manufacturer, who needs to specify how long it can be submerged without damage.


Reading spec sheets can often make us feel like we need an engineering degree to understand what’s going on. IPX ratings can therefore be confusing for many buyers, but as you’ve read, they don’t have to be. Keeping a reference file, like the infographic above can be helpful, so you don’t need to hit up Google every time you’re looking for a product with water resistance.

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Author: Bryn De Kocks

Bryn has worked in the field for several years, writing in-depth speaker reviews for various audio publications. His work has historically focused on headphones and Bluetooth speakers, while incorporating his understanding of the Bluetooth speaker market to help educate potential buyers.

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