Quietcomfort vs Quietcomfort Ultra

Bose QuietComfort Vs QuietComfort Ultra

When it comes to premium quality consumer headphones, Bose’s QuietComfort is at the top. The new QuietComfort Ultra are an upgrade to the standard QuietComfort model and while they retain a lot of the same features and design elements, they offer subtle, yet noteworthy improvements to the flagship release.

Soundcore Q20 VS Q20i: Subtle Changes That Make A Difference 1

Soundcore Q20 VS Q20i: Subtle Changes That Make A Difference

Soundcore’s Q20 and Q20i are two of the company’s most affordable over-ear wireless headphones, offering quality performance at under $70. But if you’re on the fence about which one to buy, and want to see how they compare – we’ll be covering everything that separates them and help you to identify which is the better purchase for you.

JBL Clip 5 vs Soundcore Select 4 Go

Soundcore Select 4 Go vs JBL Clip 5: Which Should You Buy?

Soundcore’s Select 4 Go takes on the JBL Clip 5 in a head to head comparison. We look at how these speakers compare in performance, durability, battery life and more.

select 4 go vs go 4

Soundcore Select 4 Go vs JBL Go 4

Small, stylish and with more value than I expected, the JBL GO 4 and Soundcore Select 4 Go don’t just share similar names. There’s a lot of similarities between them, both in design and features. With both speakers having been released in 2024 and being available for under $50 – I wanted to put them side by side in comprehensive testing to see how they compare and help you decide which is the best pick.

Turtlebox vs Demerbox

DemerBox vs Turtlebox

The Demerbox and Turtlebox are both powerful, portable Bluetooth speakers. What sets them apart from your everyday speaker is their strong build quality and extreme volume, making them a popular choice for those who’s weekends consist of going out and creating new adventures. But with these speakers sharing so much in common, which is the best buy? We’ll compare the sound quality, durability and features so that you can make the right choice.

Bose SoundLink Flex vs Flip 6

BOSE SoundLink Flex vs JBL Flip 6

If you’re looking for an everyday Bluetooth speaker for around the home or when out with friends, the SoundLink Flex and Flip 6 are two popular choices. Although similar in size and performance, there are some key differences that every potential buyer should be aware of. In this article, we take a look at how these speakers compare side by side, and which is the better buy.

JBL Charge 4 vs Flip 6 Feature

JBL Charge 4 vs Flip 6

JBL’s Charge 4 and Flip 6 are two popular speakers designed for regular use indoors or outdoors. If you’re wondering if it’s worth upgrading your Charge 4 to the newer Flip 6, or perhaps looking to buy one or the other, keep reading as we’ve spent extensive time testing both speakers and will be discussing how they compare.

SoundLink Flex Gen 2 vs Charge 5

Bose SoundLink Flex (Gen 2) vs JBL Charge 5

Bose recently released the 2nd generation SoundLink Flex, a speaker that can go toe-to-toe with JBL’s Charge 5. Here’s how these two speakers compare in specs and performance.

JBL PartyBox Ultimate vs Sony Ult Tower 10 2

JBL PartyBox Ultimate vs Sony Ult Tower 10

Until now, there hasn’t been a modern party speaker release that can go toe-to-toe with the monstrous PartyBox Ultimate, but Sony recently released the Ult Tower 10, another extremely large and loud speaker that serves as a worthy contender. If you’re looking for a speaker of this magnitude but aren’t sure which is the better buy, keep reading as we compare these two giants in a head to head comparison to find out which offers the best value.

JBL Charge 4 vs Charge 5 3

JBL Charge 4 vs Charge 5

The Charge series is one of JBL’s most popular, suiting everyday use for individuals or small groups. With both speakers being available at discounted rates fairly often, which is the better buy?

JBL PartyBox Ultimate vs 1000: The Loudest & Largest 4

JBL PartyBox Ultimate vs 1000: The Loudest & Largest

The PartyBox Ultimate and PartyBox 1000 are two of JBL’s largest and most powerful Bluetooth speakers. But how do they compare? That’s what we explore in this article, looking at both speakers side by side.

UE Miniroll vs JBL Clip 5 5

UE Miniroll vs JBL Clip 5

The Clip 5 and UE Miniroll are two small Bluetooth speakers made for daily use indoors or outdoors. We compare these two speakers side by side to see which comes out on top.

Tribit Stormbox Blast vs Stormbox Blast 2 6

Tribit Stormbox Blast vs Stormbox Blast 2

The popular Tribit Stormbox Blast has gotten an update, but with the Stormbox already sporting modern features, is it worth the extra $100 price tag?

PartyBox 320 standing to the left of the PartyBox 710

JBL PartyBox 320 vs 710: What Are The Differences?

With the new PartyBox 320 on the market, has it caught up to the 710 when compared to its predecessor, the PartyBox 310? Or is the 710 still in a league of its own? Here’s the differences between these two speakers.

BOSE Soundlink Flex

Bose Soundlink Flex Vs SoundLink Flex 2nd Gen: Is It Worth Upgrading?

Bose recently released their new upgraded SoundLink Flex and we’re all a little puzzled. Is it worth upgrading? And if you’re in the market for a new speaker, is it worth going for the first or second generation? I’ve got everything you need to know.